So-cycling website

Web design and illustrations
for: Angela van der Kloof, 2021

Web design and illustrations for Angela; a feminist cycling mobility researcher - one of the few people in her field that write about the social side of cycling.

We met Angela during a discussion panel on 'Cycling through the Dark' where we spoke about our other project,
De Meefietslijn. I couldn't agree more with her words: 'We should not assume that cycling is easy or self-evident for everyone and a social view of cycling, that takes people’s lived realities as a starting point, can help to understand and overcome the paradox.'

Making websites is not my passion, but helping to tell important stories in a visual and accesible way is. So when Angela asked us to help her gather all her publications together in order to share them with the world, I immediately felt and said 'yes!'. I'm really happy that my background in graphic design gives me the freedom to work on a multitude of creative projects that contribute to a better world.